GB/T 2994-2021高铝质耐火泥浆/High alumina refractory mud








  GB/T 4513.2不定形耐火材料第2部分取样

  GB/T 5988耐火材料加热永久线变化试验方法。

  GB/T 6900铝硅系耐火材料化学分析方法。

  GB/T 15545不定形耐火材料包装、标志、运输、储存和质量证明书的一般规定。

  GB/T 21114耐火材料X射线荧光光谱化学分析熔铸玻璃片法。

  GB/T 22459.1耐火泥浆第1部分:碉度试验方法(锥入度法)

  GBT 22459.2耐火泥浆第2部分:稠度试验方法(跳桌法)。

  GB/T 22459.3耐火泥浆第3部分:粘接时间试验方法。

  GB/T 22459.4耐火泥浆第4部分:常温抗折粘接强度试验方法。

  GB/T 22459.5耐火泥浆第5部分:粒度分布(筛分析)试验方法。

  GB/T 22459.7耐火泥浆第7部分:其他性能试验方法。

  YB/T 370耐火材料荷重软化温度试验方法(非示差-升温法)。



  普通高铝质耐火泥浆 ordinary high alumina refractory mortar


  磷酸盐结合高铝质耐火泥浆 phosphate bonded high alumina refractory mortar


  磷酸盐结合刚玉质耐火泥浆 phosphate bonded corundum refractory mortar





  – 磷酸盐结合高铝质耐火泥浆:LN-70P;


  L、N、G分别为铝、泥、刚(玉)的汉语拼音首字母,其后的数字表示氧化铝的质量百分数,P 表示磷酸盐结合耐火泥浆。



项目 指标
普通高铝质耐火泥浆 磷酸盐结合高铝质耐火泥浆 磷酸盐结合刚玉质
LN-50 LN-60 LN-70 LN-70P GN-70P GN-80P GN-90P
w(Al2O3)/% 50 60 70 70 70 80 90
耐火度/℃ 1 760 1 780 1 780 1780 1 780 1 780 1 800
常温抗折粘接强度/MPa 110℃x24h 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
1400℃x3h 4 4 4 6
1500℃x3h 6 6 6
0.2MPa荷重软化温度T2.0/℃ 1400 1550 1600 1650
加热永久线变化/% 1400℃x3 h -5~+1
1500℃x3 h -5~+1
粘接时间/s 60~180
粒度/% 1.0mm 100
>0.5mm 2
<0.074 mm 50 40
注 2:如有特殊要求,粘接时间由供需双方协商确定。


6.1氧化铝含量的测定按GB/T6900或GB/T 21114 进行6.2耐火度的测定按GB/T 22459.7进行。

6.3粘接时间的测定按 GB/T 22459.3进行。

6.4常温抗折粘接强度的测定按 GB/T 22459.4进行

6.5粒度分析按GB/T 22459.5进行。

6.6荷重软化温度的测定:试样尺寸 (50士1)mmX(50士1)mm,试样上下底面应研磨平整、相互平行并与轴线垂直,不应有肉眼可见的裂纹。将耐火泥浆加人适量的水(或其他规定的液体)搅拌均匀成半干状,装人成型模具中,在压力机上压制成型,成型压力980N/cm’,脱模后,室温下静置24h,再将试样竖直放人干燥箱,于(65士5)C保温4h,然后升温至(110士5)C,干燥至恒重。在于燥器中冷却至室温后。立即按YB/T 370进行荷重软化温度试验。

6.7加热永久线变化的测定:试样尺寸(160士1)mmX(40士1)mmX(401)mm,每组试样数量不少于3个。将耐火泥浆按GB/T 22459.1或GB/T 22459,2的规定加水(或规定的液体)拌均匀,使泥浆稠度为(100~110)(0.1 mm)(锥入度法),或10%~20%(跳桌法),调制好的泥浆装入模具中,用捣固棒均匀捣实,在捣实过程中并同时振动,便于泥浆排气、密实,以刮刀抹平。在泥浆上表面铺上薄纸,再将干燥板盖在纸上,然后连模带板翻转,使成型面为底,小心拆除模子底板,在试样上表面长度方向的中心线上,做出间距为140mm~150mm的两个测量标记点,在室温下静置 24 h之后,连同模具一起放人干燥箱,升温至(65士5)C,保温5h~6h。然后升温至(110士5)C,干横至恒重。在干嫌器中冷却至室温后,立即按GB/T 5988进行线变化率试验



7.1.1产品按连续正常生产的同一牌号组批。原料或生产工艺变动时,则应另行组批7.1.2 同一牌号的产品每批不大于60t。

7.2 抽样及合格判定规则

7.2.1 产品的取样按 GB/T 4513.2进行。

7.2.2 氧化铝含量、常温抗折粘接强度、荷重软化温度为验收检验项目。检验结果均符合表1的规定值时,该批产品为合格。检验结果如有不合格项时,应按7.2.1的规定重新取样制取双倍数量的试样进行复验。复验结果的平均值符合表1的规定,则判定该批产品合格;否则,判为不合格.

7.3 合格评定形式



8.1产品的包装、标志、运输、储存按 GB/T 15545 进行。发货状态、包装形式由供需双方协商确定。






High alumina refractory mud

1 Range

  This document specifies the terms and definitions, classification and grades, technical requirements, test methods, quality assessment procedures, packaging, marking, transportation, storage and quality certificates of high alumina refractory mud.

  This document applies to refractory mud with alumina content greater than or equal to 50% for high alumina refractory bricks and corundum bricks.

2 Normative reference documents

  The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. If a reference file is dated, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this file. If a reference file is not dated, its latest version (including all modification orders) applies to this file.

  GB/T 4513.2 Amorphous refractories – Part 2: Sampling.

  GB/T 5988 refractory heating permanent line change test method.

  GB/T 6900 aluminum-silicon refractory chemical analysis method.

  GB/T 15545 General requirements for packaging, marking, transport, storage and quality certificates of amorphous refractory materials.

  GB/T 21114 refractories by X-ray fluorescence spectrochemical analysis of fused cast glass sheets.

  GB/T 22459.1 Refractory slurries – Part 1: Test method for diadegree (taper method).

  GBT 22459.2 Refractory mud – Part 2: Test method for consistency (jumping table method).

  GB/T 22459.3 Refractory mud – Part 3: Test method for bonding time.

  GB/T 22459.4 Refractory mud – Part 4: Test method for bending and bonding strength at room temperature.

  GB/T 22459.5 Refractory mud – Part 5: Test method for particle size distribution (sieve analysis).

  GB/T 22459.7 Refractory mud – Part 7: Other performance test methods.

  Test method for softening temperature of YB/T 370 refractories under load (non-differential – rising temperature method).

3 Terms and definitions

  The following terms and definitions apply to this document:

  Ordinary high alumina refractory mortar

  The bonding material is made of high aluminous soil clinker as the main raw material and gelling of clay and a small amount of admixture as the main bonding method.

  Phosphate bonded high alumina refractory mortar

  The joint material is made of high alumina rock clinker as the main raw material and phosphoric acid or aluminum dihydrogen phosphate solution as the chemical binder.

  Phosphate bonded corundum refractory mortar

  Corundum, bauxite clinker as the main raw material, with phosphoric acid or aluminum dihydrogen phosphate solution as a chemical binder joint material.

4 Classification and grade

  High alumina refractory mud is divided into 3 categories and 7 grades according to alumina content:

  – Ordinary high alumina refractory mud :LN-50, LN-60, LN-70;

  – Phosphate bonded high alumina refractory mud :LN-70P;

  – Phosphate bonded corundum refractory mud :GN-70P, GN-80P, GN-90P.

  L, N, G are the first letters of the Chinese pinyin of aluminum, mud, and steel (jade) respectively, the following numbers represent the mass percentage of alumina, and P represents phosphate-bonded refractory mud.

5 Technical Requirements

  The physical and chemical indexes of high alumina refractory mud should conform to the provisions of Table 1.

Table 1. Physical and chemical indexes of high alumina refractory mud

Item Index
Ordinary high alumina refractory mud Phosphate bonded high alumina refractory mud Phosphate-bound corundum
Refractory mud
LN-50 LN-60 LN-70 LN-70P GN-70P GN-80P GN-90P
w(Al2O3)/% 50 60 70 70 70 80 90
Refractoriness/℃ 1 760 1 780 1 780 1780 1 780 1 780 1 800
Flexural bond strength at room temperature/MPa 110℃x24h 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
1400℃x3h 4 4 4 6
1500℃x3h 6 6 6
0.2MPa load softening temperatureT2.0/℃ 1400 1550 1600 1650
Heating permanent line change/% 1400℃x3 h -5~+1
1500℃x3 h -5~+1
Bonding time/s 60~180
Granularity/% 1.0mm 100
>0.5mm 2
<0.074 mm 50 40
Note 1: The heating permanent line change is the bus change rate.
Note 2: If there are special requirements, the bonding time is determined by the supply and demand parties through negotiation.

6 Test methods

6.1 Determination of alumina content according to GB/T6900 or GB/T 21114 6.2 Determination of refractoriness according to GB/T 22459.7.

6.3 The bonding time was determined according to GB/T 22459.3.

6.4 The bending and bonding strength at room temperature was measured according to GB/T 22459.4

6.5 Particle size analysis is performed in GB/T 22459.5.

6.6 Load softening temperature measurement: sample size (50 1)mmX(50 1)mm, the bottom surface of the sample should be ground flat, parallel to each other and perpendicular to the axis, there should be no visible cracks. Add appropriate amount of water (or other specified liquid) to stir the refractory mud evenly into a semi-dry shape, load it into a molding mold, press the molding pressure to 980N/cm ‘, after demudding, let it stand at room temperature for 24h, and then put the sample vertically in a drying oven, keep it warm at (65 6.5)C for 4h, and then heat up to (110 6.5)C, and dry to constant weight. Cool to room temperature in the dryer. The load softening temperature test was carried out immediately according to YB/T 370.

6.7 Determination of the change of the heating permanent line: the sample size is (160 × 1)mmX(40 × 1)mmX(401)mm, and the number of samples in each group is not less than 3. Add water (or specified liquid) to the refractory mud according to GB/T 22459.1 or GB/T 22459,2, so that the mud consistency is (100~110)(0.1 mm)(cone penetration method), or 10%~20%(jumping table method), The prepared mud is loaded into the mold, and is evenly rammed with a tamping rod. During the ramming process, it vibrates at the same time to facilitate the mud exhaust and compaction, and is smoothed with a scraper. Lay thin paper on the surface of the mud, and then cover the drying plate on the paper, and then turn over the mold strip plate so that the forming surface is the bottom, carefully remove the mold bottom plate, and make two measurement mark points with a distance of 140mm~150mm on the center line of the length direction of the sample surface, and stand at room temperature for 24 After h, put the mold together in a drying oven, heat up to (65 5)C, and keep warm for 5h~6h. Then heat up to (110 5)C, dry transverse to constant weight. After cooling to room temperature in the dryer, the line change rate test is carried out at GB/T 5988 immediately.

7 Quality assessment procedure

7.1 Batch

7.1.1 The products shall be batch according to the same grade of continuous normal production. When raw materials or production processes change, a separate batch should be set up 7.1.2 Each batch of products of the same brand shall not be greater than 60t.

7.2 Rules for sampling and conformity determination

7.2.1 Sampling of products is carried out according to GB/T 4513.2.

7.2.2 Alumina content, flexural bonding strength at normal temperature and softening temperature under load are the acceptance inspection items. When the test results all meet the specified values in Table 1, the batch of products is qualified. If there are any unqualified items in the test results, a double number of samples shall be resampled in accordance with the provisions of 7.2.1 for retesting. If the average value of the reinspection results conforms to the provisions of Table 1, the batch of products is judged to be qualified; Otherwise, it is disqualified.

7.3 Form of conformity assessment

  Conformity assessment may take the form of a supplier’s declaration, user’s certification or third-party certification.

8 Packing, marking, transportation, storage and quality certificate.

8.1 Packaging, marking, transportation and storage of products shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T 15545. Delivery status and packaging form shall be determined by both parties through negotiation.

8.2 The product shall be issued with a quality certificate issued by the quality department of the supplier and a product instruction manual. The quality certificate shall contain the name of the supplier, the name of the demander, the date of production, the contract number, the number of this document, the name of the product, the brand number, the batch number, the physical and chemical index and the shelf life.