GB∕T 7321-2017 定形耐火制品试样制备方法/Method for preparing samples of shaped refractory products










  GB/T 18930界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件,


  制样sample preparation



  试样 test sample
















5.1.5导热系数(激光法)、热膨胀等试样的制取部位可按第4章,在距样本边缘15 mm以上的合适位置制取。





























5.2.1能按标、普型耐火制品制样的异型、特异型耐火制品,尽量按照第4章及 5.1 的规定制样。







  b)透气砖:在大头截去 20 mm~30 mm 厚的中心部位钻取,也可以采用同一工艺制成的试样;










  图1致密定形耐火制品 标型、普型砖 制样部位示意图

  图2圆筒型砖 制样部位示意图

  图3铸口砖 制样部位示意图




  图7中心砖 制样部位示意图

  图8滑板砖 制样部位示意图


  图9整体塞棒砖 制样部位示意图




Method for preparing samples of shaped refractory products

1 Range

  This standard specifies the definition of sample preparation of shaped refractory products, the principle of determining the sample preparation site and the preparation of samples.

  This standard is applicable to the preparation of shaped refractory products.

2 Normative reference documents

  The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated references, the date-only version applies to this document. For undated references, the latest version (including all amendment orders) applies to this document.

  GB/T18930 Refractory terminology

3 Terms and definitions

  As defined in GB/T 18930 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document,


  Sample preparation

  The process of making a sample from a sample.


  Test sample

  A sample prepared from a sample for testing.

4.Determination principle of sample preparation site

4.1 Samples should be made in the weak part of sample quality or in the key part of use.

4.2 The preparation part of the sample should be able to reflect the performance of the sample to be tested and have a good representation.

4.3 For large samples with complex shapes or special samples that are difficult to make the sample size required by the test method standard, the sample shall be determined by the parties concerned through consultation or prepared in accordance with the relevant provisions.

4.4 The preparation part of the sample should avoid the parts with cracks, melting holes and other defects on the appearance of the sample.

5 Preparation of samples

5.1 Standard and general refractory products

5.1.1 The apparent porosity, bulk density, compressive strength, heating permanent line change, load softening temperature and pressure coil change of dense shaped refractory products are usually prepared at the corner of the sample (cut or drilled). If the sample is small, the same sample can not meet all the requirements for making all items, can be made on different samples, but to meet the following conditions:

  a) Samples for normal temperature items such as apparent porosity and normal temperature compressive strength test shall be prepared on the same sample;

  b) Samples for high temperature items such as load softening temperature, pressure creep and heating permanent line change tests should be prepared on the same sample.

  An example of the preparation location of samples such as apparent porosity of dense shaped refractory products is shown in Figure 1.

5.1.2 The sample of volumetric density, compressive strength and heating permanent line change of shaped thermal insulation refractory products is cut at the end of the sample. For S&P type samples, the sample of volumetric density and thermal shock resistance can be made of whole brick. The thermal conductivity sample shall be prepared according to the requirements of the test method standard.

5.1.3 Samples with normal temperature and high temperature flexural strength are usually cut on the pressure surface of the sample when it is formed, and the original brick surface in the pressure direction of the sample when it is formed is retained as much as possible as the pressure surface of the test.

5.1.4 The wear resistance sample is usually cut at the working end of the brick, and the original brick surface is retained as the test surface.

5.1.5 Thermal conductivity (laser method), thermal expansion and other samples can be prepared at a suitable position 15 mm above the edge of the sample according to Chapter 4.

5.1.6 The slag resistance and molten iron corrosion resistance samples shall be drilled at the working end, and the rotary slag resistance samples shall be prepared according to the standard requirements of the test method.

5.1.7 Principles for preparation of alkaline resistant samples:

  a)alkali vapor method and molten alkali crucible method: Prepare samples according to the required parts of the test method, and retain the original brick surface as much as possible;

  b)Molten alkali embedding method: 3 pieces each on the surface and core.

5.1.8 Anti-carbon monoxide destructive sample: in the appropriate part of the sample, at least 3 original brick surfaces are retained.

5.1.9 Sample preparation principles for thermal shock resistance samples:

  a) Water quenching method – Straight brick sample: standard brick, direct test, when the sample is large, cut the end, the sample heating surface should be the original brick surface;

  b) Water quenching method – small sample: drill the appropriate part;

  c) Air quenching method: the working end is prepared, and the length is along the working face of the sample. If the working face length is less than 114mm, it can be along the length direction of the sample. The working face of the sample is the blowing face and tension surface of the sample, and it is well marked.

5.1.10 Young’s modulus samples are prepared at appropriate parts of the sample.

5.1.11 Chemical analysis, fire resistance, true density, sulfuric acid corrosion resistance and other powder or granular samples, on each sample to prepare a representative sample, broken, divided, ground to the specified particle size. Specimens can be used after compressive strength testing. If the surface of the sample is contaminated, it needs to be treated. For the samples whose epidermis and inner layer are obviously inconsistent, the representativeness of the samples should be fully considered when preparing the samples for chemical analysis.

5.1.12 For composite materials composed of two or more materials, samples can be prepared at appropriate locations according to the requirements of technical standards, relevant contract documents, drawings or the parties concerned through negotiation.

5.1.13 If there are special requirements, subject to the principles of Chapter 4, the sample preparation site may be decided by the parties concerned through consultation and shall be described in the test report.

5.1.14 In cases where samples need to be retained, each sample is generally divided in half, with one half used for sample preparation and the other half used as retained sample, except for samples that need to be tested as a whole.

5.2 Special type and special type refractory products

  a) alkali vapor method and molten alkali crucible method: Prepare samples according to the required parts of the test method, and retain the original brick surface as much as possible;

  b) Molten alkali embedding method: 3 pieces each on the surface and core.

5.1.8 Anti-carbon monoxide destructive sample: in the appropriate part of the sample, at least 3 original brick surfaces are retained.

5.1.9 Sample preparation principles for thermal shock resistance samples:

  a) Water quenching method – Straight brick sample: standard brick, direct test, when the sample is large, cut the end, the sample heating surface should be the original brick surface;

  b) Water quenching method – small sample: drill the appropriate part;

  c) Air quenching method: the working end is prepared, and the length is along the working face of the sample. If the working face length is less than 114mm, it can be along the length direction of the sample. The working face of the sample is the blowing face and tension surface of the sample, and it is well marked.

5.1.10 Young’s modulus samples are prepared at appropriate parts of the sample.

5.1.11 Chemical analysis, fire resistance, true density, sulfuric acid corrosion resistance and other powder or granular samples, on each sample to prepare a representative sample, broken, divided, ground to the specified particle size. Specimens can be used after compressive strength testing. If the surface of the sample is contaminated, it needs to be treated. For the samples whose epidermis and inner layer are obviously inconsistent, the representativeness of the samples should be fully considered when preparing the samples for chemical analysis.

5.1.12 For composite materials composed of two or more materials, samples can be prepared at appropriate locations according to the requirements of technical standards, relevant contract documents, drawings or the parties concerned through negotiation.

5.1.13 If there are special requirements, subject to the principles of Chapter 4, the sample preparation site may be decided by the parties concerned through consultation and shall be described in the test report.

5.1.14 In cases where samples need to be retained, except for samples that need to be tested as a whole, each sample is generally divided into two parts, one part is used for sample preparation, and the other half is used as a reserved sample.

5.2 Special type and special type refractory products

5.2.1 For special-shaped and special-shaped refractory products that can be prepared according to standard and general refractory products, samples shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4 and 5.1 as far as possible.

5.2.2 For special-shaped and special-shaped refractory products that cannot be prepared as required, sample preparation of samples with apparent porosity, bulk density and heating permanent line changes: Samples made from dense shaped refractory products should retain the skin as far as possible, and the volume should be 50cm’~200cm’, the longest size of the sample

  a) The ratio to the shortest dimension shall not exceed 2:1;

  b) Shaped heat-insulating refractory products are cut at the end;

  c) The upper and lower ends of the product are different in size or the upper and lower ends are asymmetrical, should be made from the working end or small end, for long products, should be made in the middle part.

5.2.3 Sample preparation principles of refractory products such as cast steel bricks, continuous casting bricks and breathable bricks:

  a) Refractory products for continuous casting: chemical composition, bulk density, apparent porosity, compressive strength at room temperature, bending strength at room temperature samples are prepared from the corresponding parts according to the drawing, and the plug rod is prepared at the end of the plug head. The thermal shock resistance sample can be used as a whole product or a section cut from the product, and the long water nozzle is prepared at the large mouth end; The submerged nozzle is prepared at the molten steel outflow end; The whole plug is made at the end of the plug head;

  b) Breathable brick: the central part of the big head cut 20 mm~30 mm thick is drilled, and the sample made of the same process can also be used;

  c) Skateboard brick: the apparent porosity and bulk density samples are at the edge of the cast in the width direction of the  brick; The compressive strength sample is prepared in the area where the length of the brick touches the molten steel.

  d) For composite materials, samples can be prepared at appropriate locations according to the requirements of technical standards, relevant contract documents, drawings or negotiations between the parties concerned.

Examples of sampling locations for samples such as apparent porosity of special-shaped and special-shaped refractory products are shown in FIG. 2-9.

5.2.4 For samples that are difficult to prepare according to the requirements of the above rules, samples can be prepared through negotiation according to the requirements of both parties.


  1– samples with softening temperature and pressure variation under load;

  2– heating the sample with permanent linear change;

  3– normal temperature compressive strength sample;

  4– apparent porosity sample.

  FIG. 1 Schematic diagram of sample parts of standard and general shaped brick for compact shaped refractory products

  FIG. 2 Schematic diagram of the sampling position of cylindrical brick

  FIG. 3 Schematic diagram of sample making position of cast brick

  FIG. 4 Schematic diagram of sample making position of flow steel brick

  FIG. 5 Schematic diagram of funnel brick sampling position

  FIG. 6 Schematic diagram of sample making position of plug head brick

  FIG. 7 Schematic diagram of the central brick sampling position

  FIG. 8 Schematic diagram of sample making part of skateboard brick

  FIG. 9 Schematic diagram of sample parts of the whole stopper brick